How to Serve - Helping Hands Ministry

One of the purposes of the local Church body is to live in harmony with each other and serve the Lord by serving one another. This is a blessing for all of us, given by the Lord, both to the one serving and the one being served.

There are several areas that we can use our time, talents, and treasures for the Lord and serving the church, but a great way to get started is through Helping Hands Ministry.

Helping Hands Ministry exists as a way for our church to connect needs to those who can fulfill those needs. If you have a time, talent, and treasure that you can use for the building up of the Church body in service to one another, please fill out the below form to be placed on a list of people that can help fulfill needs as they arise.

Thank you for your service to the local Church body!

Helping Hands Ministry

Yes, I would like to VOLUNTEER to be a part of this ministry

Your Information:

Volunteer skills
(Please select the area you would like to help and explain skill level)

Any questions please call Keith Rainwater 
at 303-989-8273 or 303-921-4067

Thank You!