Welcome to the Chapel Directory 


We have moved our church directory to "Instant Church Directory"!

Dear Church Family,

Our church directory is moving to a new location for security and easy of use. Our directory is available to view on your computer or mobile device at Instant Church Directory. Instant Church Directory is the program we use to build our church directory and it has a member website (Link Below).

You will be asked to enter your email address as it's listed in our directory. If your email address isn't listed in the directory, email [email protected] to let us know so it can be added. 
Once you enter your email address, follow the directions on-screen to complete the "create log-in" process (see help article below). After you sign in, you'll see the most up-to-date directory for our church.

Thank you all!

Instant Church Directory Help Articles:

Step-by-step Login Instructions
Step-by-step Login Instructions for iPhone, iPad or any iOS device
Step-by-step Login Instructions for Android devices
More Help Articles for Instant Church Directory

Why The Change?

Instant Church Directory uses industry best practices for securing and backing up their servers and data, including pro-active 24/7 monitoring of services for possible intrusions. To ensure directories are safe, ICD only allow access to people who are entered in the directory, and directories are automatically "wiped" from devices if you remove them from your directory.

See more info on security here:

Always have an up-to-date directory with Instant
Church Directory. As admins make edits to information it becomes instantly available on the mobile apps and online member directory website.
Ease of Use
Instant Church Directory is an easy to use and access platform that members can easily update their own info and make selections on what information they would prefer to share in the directory.
Instant Church Directory allows for users to upload their own pictures so that pictures can be easily kept up-to date. 

If you consider this your home church and have been regularly attending, we would love to add you to our directory! To be added to our directory please fill out the below form or contact [email protected]

Chapel Directory 
(New Entry Request)

Family Contact Info