Please join us for our sermon series in Matthew!
The Gospel of Matthew takes its name from the Apostle Matthew (otherwise known as Levi the tax collector). As with all the Apostles, Matthew left everything to follow Jesus because he came to believe that Jesus was in fact the Christ, the promised Messiah!
The Gospel is unique in that Matthew's intended audience was focused on the Jews. The primary goal of the Gospel of Matthew, then, is to demonstrate from the Old Testament Scripture that Jesus is the promised Messiah (or Christ), who is also the long-awaited King of Israel. In fact, Matthew focuses on how Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy concerning the Messiah with over 60 Old Testament quotations!
In short, the primary purpose of Matthew's gospel is to demonstrate that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-awaited King of Israel, the promised Messiah!
Please join us for this series as we sit at the feet of Jesus, our Messiah King!
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